Monday, November 05, 2012

More Spotlight On The Potential Director Of STAR WARS: EPISODE VII: Matthew Vaughn !!

Well it seems that Matthew Vaughn MAY be the director of choice for STAR WARS: EPISODE VII for a couple of reasons:

1. You heard it hear first that MarketSaw's own proven STAR WARS source included Vaughn as a definite possibility for the coveted role right here.

2. My friend Steve Weintraub over at Collider now has a source that now says that Vaughn is in talks with Lucasfilm / Disney for the directorship and that is why he has dropped out of the X-MEN sequel. The timing of the fact that Vaughn dropped out and that he is being considered for STAR WARS: EPISODE VII was speculated in the comments section of the various sites that picked up our news - it definitely makes sense and lends credibility to substantiate this.

Hit the jump for more...

But to be clear, I HAVE NOT heard who will be definitely offered the role of director for STAR WATS: EPISODE VII. Vaughn remains a hot candidate, but you have the list from my source and all remain viable at this time for one or more of the sequels.

More when I get it!! Exciting times indeed... Follow all of our STAR WARS action right here!