Thursday, November 19, 2009

Scans From "AVATAR: An Activist Survival Guide"!!

Jim here. The book is out! What was originally going to be entitled "A Field Guide To Pandora" or something similar is now making it's way to members of the press. (Not MarketSaw btw for whatever reason). It looks like it is officially "AVATAR: An Activist Survival Guide".

Here is what BlackBook had to say and some scans from it - be sure to click over to see the rest of the images!

"...based on the book, which also features a glossary of Na'Vi terminology, James Cameron is indeed nuts. Check out the best of his zoological concoctions after the jump!"

I wouldn't call him nuts... an overachiever perhaps. Or detail oriented. Can't wait to leaf through this book (which I have on order from Amazon)!

I suspect much of this is paraphrased from the forthcoming Pandorapedia...

Thanks Steven for the heads up!