Monday, December 21, 2009

CLASH OF THE TITANS Being Converted From 2D To 3D??

Jim here. Yep, that's the word courtesy of the LATimes - 3D!! Sam Worthington was quoted as saying they are going back to shoot more scenes for CLASH OF THE TITANS as Warner Bros came up with more money for them. "We're going to be shooting more scenes in January, so we're going to be right up against it -- the movie comes out in March."

Worthington continues: "There were some creaky parts but they are the parts that we knew were creaky and that we knew were going to be creaky going into it. The studio is also letting us add some gods and scenes. And they're talking about making the movie a 3D film."

Now this is an interesting turn of events and normally someone in my network lets me know about developments like this before it hits other media, but I am pleasantly surprised! Time is very tight though. Let's hope it is true - I am digging deeper into this for you. Stay tuned!!