Wednesday, December 09, 2009

More Confirmation That Our Exclusive Story On A New Star Wars Trilogy Is Happening

Jim here. Remember in MONTY PYTHON AND THE HOLY GRAIL when Tim the wizard informed the knights about the killer rabbit? What was his response when the rabbit started making stew out of them? Well I told ya. Didn't I?

STAR WARS is going to have another trilogy and it will be in 3D (see original story right here). The first supporting piece of outside information comes from AICN, who ironically also provided the sole piece of anti-support when they contacted LucasFilm and got an rather emphatic "no" (what did you expect them to say?). In fact, Lucasfilm's Steve Sansweet's response was so over the top you had to know he was covering it up.

So what was this new evidence of a new STAR WARS entry? It comes from Thomas Dolby's blog entry for December 5.

When I posted that exclusive story back on October 21, it was picked up around the world of course as STAR WARS is a beloved cultural achievement. I was very clear in the post: This trilogy was NOT the animated TV series and is in fact a brand new batch of freshly baked cinematic movies.

Further, I made it clear that George Lucas would NOT be directing
, but rather taking up the producing helm. Who could be directing? My source tells me it will be Spielberg for the first and Coppola potentially for a future movie in the series.

Makes me smile every time my sources and I are vindicated. :-) Sure it still is not official, and obviously Lucasfilm doesn't want this getting out just yet. But this is MarketSaw right guys? And we will all be smiling when these epics make it out in 3D. Should be spectacular. AVATAR spectacular? We shall see won't we?

Thanks to @PROJECTCOULD for the heads up again!