Monday, June 21, 2010

Pixar Continues To Dominate Animation Blockbusters With TOY STORY 3!!

Pixar's TOY STORY is not just a great franchise (we all knew that TOY STORY 3 was going to be awesome with Pixar's track record) - it is a near perfect reflection of the human adolescent journey. Whatever they are putting in the coffee over at Pixar's cafeteria is continuing to work.

TS3 hit theaters Friday with $41m and continued its dominance over the weekend with $37m on Saturday and $32m Sunday. Worldwide its take is already over $155m (not counting today's estimates).

3D plays a role on the box office side but it also plays a huge role in drawing you into the movie. It seems so real, yet clearly it is not. Pixar's magic on screen is enhanced that much more with 3D. I assure you that seeing TOY STORY 3 in 3D is the best way to go; I have seen it in both dimensional options!

TOY STORY 3 is my favorite of the series.
It ties up loose ends, reveals more emotion in the human characters and manages to squeeze teary eyes out of even the most resolute movie goer. Well worth the price of admission.

I have to say that Ken steals the show.
Whoever dreamed up the character behind that fellow is a genius. Here I am, a grown man, admiring the on screen performance of a Ken doll - ask me 20 years ago that I would be saying that and I would have laughed in your face!

I won't go into more specifics because you HAVE to see this movie in 3D.
Do it. It is one of this year's best and wraps up one of the most treasured family movie franchises of all time. Bring your kids - heck, bring your parents! It is that good.