Registration opens next week.
There will be a free, open to the public 3D Experience Showroom with thousands of consumers checking out what is brand spanking new in 3D TVs, 3D Movies, 3D Gaming, 3D Cameras and more. The showroom will be located at 226 West 44th Street at the Discovery Times Square Exposition and runs for the length of the festival.

The VIP and press lounge will be in the NASDAQ MarketSite at 4 Times Square. I will be hanging out here quite a bit in between catching the Sessions and Forum.
The Forum is geared toward 3D industry professionals and press bringing clarity to 3D on the big screen, at home, 2D to 3D conversions and other timely issues. There will be a panel discussion as well with leading directors, producers and cinematographers.
In addition to the Forum, 3D professionals and press will be able to take part in side by side demonstrations of all the newest 3D TVs.

I'll be taking in as many 3D screenings as possible and I am looking forward to making some hard 3D TV comparisons! There is some confusion right now about all the different consumer choices in 3D home theater and of course the whole 2D to 3D conversion issue. I will be covering it all on location in New York so stay tuned! More info coming as their website is updated...