Well of course G.I. JOE: RETALIATION would look better in 3D, but I would have thought the decision could have been made a lot earlier in the process. That said, I'm glad that Paramount has nuzzled up closer to 3D for the movie because I've been dying to see Snake Eyes in three dimensions!
Apparently a studio executive at Paramount disclosed to Deadline that: "We’re going to do a conscientious 3D job because we’ve seen how it can better box office internationally. Jim Cameron did all of Titanic‘s 3D in post – and look how well that movie turned out."
So as of today MarketSaw's coverage of G.I. JOE: RETALIATION begins again. I had already hoped that Jon Chu would take the project in three dimensions back when he was announced as director based on his 3D pedigree. I think Chu's visual style really lends itself well to 3D so even though he shot it in 2D there should be plenty of heart stopping moments for us in the conversion.
Source: Deadline via /Film