Saturday, August 18, 2012

A Fun Look At A Serious Matter: FINDING NEMO 3D And FRANKENWEENIE PSAs For Theater Etiquette

Have a fun look at something that is near and dear to my heart - no phones during the movie. Of course, no talking or kicking the seat in front of you, but definitely NO PHONES.

I appreciate that two 3D movies are stepping up to the plate to help out and even though it is clearly part of their marketing thrust, the effort really does help. Money well spent.

So below are the FINDING NEMO 3D and Tim Burton's FRANKENWEENIE public service announcements for the movie going public and the general consensus etiquette we should all strive to adhere to for maximum enjoyment of the movies...

FRANKENWEENIE opens on October 5 and FINDING NEMO 3D opens September 14.

via /Film