Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Give A 30 Second Video Review Of THE GREAT GATSBY And Win Some Swag From 3ality Technica!

Here's a cool contest for all you 3D aficionados out there! What did you think about the stereoscopic 3D in THE GREAT GATSBY? Feel strongly enough about it to put your voice behind it? Perfect - we've got a contest for you from the good folks at 3ality Technica.

To enter, simply review the 3D in The Great Gatsby in 30 seconds or less on video (on youTube or other social media sites) or write a review – in 140 characters or less – of The Great Gatsby and what you thought of the 3D, then submit it using online form found here.

Top creative reviews will be featured on 3ality Technica's website, and exclusive 3ality Technica swag will be sent to featured reviewers.

Pretty cool contest if you ask me! Here was my review to help you remember some things (not to sway your thoughts or anything).