Sunday, December 29, 2013

WATCH: Four New Clips From Kellan Lutz's THE LEGEND OF HERCULES

I'm looking forward to seeing Summit Entertainment's THE LEGEND OF HERCULES as it is a 3D production and from the looks of the clips it emulates GLADIATOR to a fair degree in the arena - which I love. Imagine seeing GLADIATOR in 3D? Yeah, me too. This should look amazing!

You many be aware that there are two variations of HERCULES coming up - this one is director Renny Harlan's starring Kellan Lutz.

Here is the storyline for the movie:
Lutz stars as Hercules, the mythical Greek hero, demigod and son of Zeus. Betrayed by his King and sold into slavery, Hercules must use his formidable strength to fight for his freedom and return to his true love, Hebe, the Princess of Crete (played by Gaia Weiss).

THE LEGEND OF HERCULES opens on January 10, 2014.

Check the clips: