Thursday, February 06, 2014

Darren Aronofsky's NOAH Goes 3D, But Wait...

Yes, Darren Aronofsky's NOAH is going 3D but only for select overseas markets! I had to double take that myself. Why on earth would you limit your major markets 3D box office by only releasing in flat? Paramount has already invested ($10m+) in doing the conversion obviously so what gives? They are releasing it in 3D in 65 markets, but NOT the US (includes Canada), UK, Australia and France.

It's about as ridiculous as releasing only in mono for North America - the rest of the world gets stereo. Who made this decision at Paramount? Someone on the precipice, that's who.

I'm scratching my head but this certainly does underscore one thing: The overseas markets are having more and more impact on Hollywood decisions and this is just the beginning. Wait until China's box office climbs to where it is destined to be.

From THR:  "About the decision to opt for the 3D version, an insider cites the worldwide performance of Fox’s LIFE OF PI, which grossed $125 million domestically and $484 million abroad."

Here's the movie's storyline: 
NOAH is a close adaptation of the Biblical story of Noah’s Ark. In a world ravaged by human sin, Noah is given a divine mission: to build an Ark to save creation from the coming flood.

NOAH opens in North America on March 28.

Source: THR