Saturday, June 27, 2015

Both EVEREST and THE WALK Will Open Early In IMAX 3D

**UPDATE: 28 June - Just heard from 3ality that they in fact did NOT do native 3D on this production - so it's a conversion too. A battle between conversion houses it is then. Too bad.

Yes! Love when IMAX does this: They've announced that both EVEREST and THE WALK will open on September 18th and the 30th respectfully - ahead of their wide release dates.

EVEREST is a true story about a team's ascent to the highest peak in the world while THE WALK is the true story of Philippe Petit's attempt to cross the distance between the top of the World Trade Centers in NYC.

Correction: Both of these two IMAX 3D releases are 3D conversions. I can't wait to compare them because of their close release dates and both showing in the large format. I will also include comment on how the RealD projection is for comparison - I do have a RealD PLF (premium large format) screen here in town. I will definitely give these two a competitive review, head to head.

Here's the storyline for EVEREST:
This is the story of the 1996 Everest Film Expedition, a MacGillivray Freeman production in association with Arcturus Motion Pictures. Filmed in IMAX photography, EVEREST is the dramatic true story of a team of climbers who found hope, strength and triumph in the wake of tragedy. Their successful ascent of Mount Everest, just days after fellow mountaineers and friends died there, is a compelling story about the human spirit and a mountain they love, respect and sometimes fear.

Here's the storyline for THE WALK:
Twelve people have walked on the moon, but only one man Philippe Petit (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) has ever, or will ever, walk in the immense void between the World Trade Center towers. Guided by his real-life mentor, Papa Rudy (Ben Kingsley), and aided by an unlikely band of international recruits, Petit and his gang overcome long odds, betrayals, dissension and countless close calls to conceive and execute their mad plan. Robert Zemeckis, the director of such marvels as Forrest Gump, Cast Away, Back to the Future, Polar Express and Flight, again uses cutting edge technology in the service of an emotional, character-driven story. With innovative photorealistic techniques and IMAX 3D wizardry, The Walk is true big-screen cinema, a chance for moviegoers to viscerally experience the feeling of reaching the clouds. The film, a PG-rated, all-audience entertainment for moviegoers 8 to 80, unlike anything audiences have seen before, is a love letter to Paris and New York City in the 1970s, but most of all, to the Towers of the World Trade Center.

EVEREST opens on September 18 and THE WALK opens on September 30 - BOTH in IMAX 3D!