Wednesday, October 14, 2015
James Cameron Selects Robert Rodriguez To Helm BATTLE ANGEL!
I'm actually happy about this move. Don't get me wrong, there is no one I'd rather see direct BATTLE ANGEL than Cameron, but the Rodriguez choice is a little out of left field and edgy. I LIKE IT. Rodriguez has proven he can work with cutting edge tech and 3D (SIN CITY) and besides that, I just really like his approach to filmmaking. EL MARIACHI and DESPERADO were inspired works of art to me.
Rodriguez will have significant help though without a doubt through Cameron and Jon Landau who will both produce. BATTLE ANGEL is a Lightstorm Entertainment property and Laeta Kalogridis contributed to it's adaptation from the manga graphic novels.
I remember one of the discussions I had with Cameron on BATTLE ANGEL right here. He wasn't sure back in 2009 that he'd do it either.
Today's quotes though finally put an end to the long road for the production:
Says Cameron: "Robert and I have been looking for a film to do together for years, so I was pumped when he said he wanted to do Battle Angel. He's very collaborative and we're already like two kids building a go-kart, just having fun riffing creatively and technically. This project is near and dear to me, and there's nobody I trust more than Robert, with his technical virtuosity and rebel style, to take over the directing reins. We're looking forward to learning a lot from each other while we make a kick-ass epic."
Rodriguez follows: "Battle Angel is an incredibly rich and vibrant epic in the tradition of Jim Cameron's spectacular, character-driven films. Getting to work from Jim’s terrific and visionary script while learning the cutting edge techniques he’s pioneered is a master class in filmmaking. It's an honor to explore the world of Alita along with Jim and Jon, whose films have impacted me for decades."
I can't imagine this project being shot in any other way than native and digital 3D, so I'm am doubly thrilled to finally see some action take place here. As you may know we've been following BATTLE ANGEL developments for years. Looking forward to more news from the Lightstorm camp on this!
Source: THR