Thursday, March 30, 2017

Joss Whedon Jumps Ship To DC With BATGIRL

Well, this is an interesting development and it may delineate a somewhat troubled Warner Bros past with DC, and a new dawn of justice for the DC universe (you see what I did there?).

Joss Whedon is jumping from the Marvel Cinematic Universe to DC with the first ever BATGIRL tentpole. Whedon will write, produce and direct the movie which bodes extremely well for its likely success.

I'm at Cinemacon where DC showed off clips from WONDER WOMAN, AQUAMAN (concept art) and JUSTICE LEAGUE and I can't help but think that BATGIRL could be a carnivorous property, diluting the BATMAN brand. Personally, I've never enjoyed these spinoffs in the comics either - Marvel or DC. It just seems to be uncreative.

Enter Whedon. If anyone can change my mind it's him. He obviously has got some sort of concept in mind that will blow our socks off, so I am officially intrigued.

No other word on others being attached. More when I get it!

Source: Variety