Thursday, August 27, 2009

As Best A Guarantee We Have: THE HOBBIT Movies Will Be In 3D!

**UPDATE Aug 28: Looks like Del Toro is kinda shy about it! Here is his quote from TORn: “I can safely say that, as of this moment, there are absolutely NO conversations about doing the HOBBIT films in 3D.” Which of course says exactly... nothing. While he could have said a definitive NO, he merely side stepped the question by saying that as he is typing the reply, they are not talking about it. If the answer was an easy no, then he would have said it - especially to that website who he and Jackson adore. But he COULDN'T say no because it is TRUE. You heard it hear first! :-)

Jim here. I have just gotten word from another one of my best sources embedded in Peter Jackson's camp that collaborates what I reported on August 18 - THE HOBBIT movies will in stereoscopic 3D!

What this means is that I can finally place my personal guarantee that this information is true and will happen. Remember back when I had the exclusive first look at AVATAR's AMP Suit? I made a guarantee then, and I am making a guarantee now.

I first reported that THE HOBBIT(s) will be in 3D back in November 2007 and a LOT of people raised their eyebrows with doubt. I also exclusively posted that Jackson would definitely be attached to THE HOBBIT as he and New Line had settled their law suit and that the LOTR trilogy would be converted to 3D! Again - quickly dismissed. All these things are coming to fruition now.

Now with solid internal notice from sources I trust, THE HOBBIT is virtually assured to be made in 3D. And I couldn't be more elated! With the writing of at least the first movie handed off or nearly handed off, the notions that were in Jackson's and Del Toro's head are now on paper. If you go 3D, naturally it is in the script as the shots are described in detail. I am checking further with this source to collaborate whether there will be 3 movies, with Del Toro directing 1 and 2 and Jackson number 3. At this point, that is still a rumor. You will be the first to know!

Feeling nostalgic? Click here for all of our exclusive HOBBIT coverage from day one.