Saturday, July 10, 2010

Update From Sam Worthington On The CLASH OF THE TITANS Sequel And AVATAR 2!!

Sam Worthington is always great for a quote isn't he?

I remember asking him point blank at ShoWest earlier this year about the 3D conversion of CLASH OF THE TITANS vs. the native 3D of AVATAR but he deftly tap danced around it. But now Steve over at Collider had the chance to hear Sam discuss TITANS and its rather nasty conversion at length recently.

Here is what Worthington had to say about CLASH 2:
"I think we start shooting early next year and it will be 3D this time. Shot in 3D. Do put that in and make them f–king aware."

When asked about what sort of influence he has over the CLASH sequel he said:
"Well, I do that a lot anyway, trying to put a stamp on it. Whether it’s the right idea or not, it’s up to them in the end. When I read Clash 2, they came to me the other day. I said, “I kinda dig where it’s going, but can we make the character more of this? Can we make it more of that? Can I get to play a lot more and get involved and have a lot more f–king fun than just being a young man who has to stand there and look pretty?” I’m sick of doing that, so it’s kind of a case of, “How do we make Perseus a lot more fun?” So we’re sort of shaping it down that track. And Warner Bros. has been nice enough to give us a bit on input."

And SPECIFICALLY about the CLASH OF THE TITANS 3D conversion:
"The movies always change. It suddenly became a rolling, runaway train in some parts. In regards to the conversion, I’m a Jim Cameron boy, so people know my opinions."

Worthington had some interesting things to say about AVATAR's sequel as well, including his assertion that James Cameron hasn't written it yet:
"Avatar 2 will be whenever Jim decides to write it. I think he’s in Thailand at the moment or trying to save the gulf. But I’m sure he’s going to put pen to paper soon."

Can you talk about the additional eight minutes that will be in the theatrical release?
Worthington: "I wish we added eight hours. I think the first cut I saw was about six hours long."

Do you know what’s in the additional eight minutes?

Worthington: "No, I don’t. He hasn’t told us. There’s a couple of extra hunting scenes. There’s a much-speculated and blogged sex scene everyone keeps f–king harping on about. To be honest, I think everyone’s going to be disappointed that’s it’s not blue porn. ...there’s a lot of other character parts. Giovanni [Ribisi] stuff and Stephen Lang stuff. So it’s up to Jim. I know Jim would only release it if it enhanced the story by putting it back in."

Is there more stuff on Earth?
Worthington: Yeah there is. We shot all that. When we first saw all that, it didn’t [work]. You just want to get to the planet. It’s kind of a slow burn. Jim always wanted it to be a slow burn start so that you would adjust to your eyes and adjust the world, but it because too much of slow burn. It was like, “hurry the f–k up, man.”

Love his down to Earth responses! I knew he was hating the conversion of TITANS - it is just good to hear it from him even if it is in a round about way. I am looking forward to TITANS 2 now!! And AVATAR 2? We will have some VERY juicy tidbits for you quite shortly :-) Inquiring minds want to know...