Michael Bay Talks TRANSFORMERS 4 And I Talk TF3D Ride At Universal!!
And a great way to break into a post about the movie franchise too! With Michael Bay's recent muse Mark Wahlberg (PAIN AND GAIN) joining him, Michael Bay is coming back to his Transformers franchise in a different way with TRANSFORMERS 4 kicking off a new trilogy of movies.
So where do you suppose he's going with this movie?
Here's what Bay had to say about TRANSFORMERS 4 recently:
“We’re going to start off smaller. There’s a brand new cast. To freshen the franchise we’ve redesigned everything from top to bottom. The history of the first three movies is still there, we start four years later and there’s a reason why we’re meeting a new cast.
Mark is really excited about it and it’s a great redesign. I said that 3 was going to be my last one. Paramount was letting me do PAIN AND GAIN and the Transformers ride was opening at Universal and it was bittersweet to think of passing it off. I wanted to set it up on a really sure footing and to bring someone else in on that, it would have been overwhelming.
We keep the Transformers the way they were, it’s just four years later. There’s a reason the Transformers are redesigned. We’re trying to broaden the franchise and give it more places to go.”
Sounds great to me. I'm all for the continuation of such a visually rich franchise with some fresh content brought in. I'd like to see some solid storytelling in there too of course.
Source: Forbes via Collider