Toldya! Warner Confirms MarketSaw Exclusive: Tentpole S3D Conversions Announced!! ...And TRANSFORMERS 3D??!?
Jim here. Gotta love our sources!
Warner has officially confirmed MarketSaw's exclusive post and announced that the tentpoles up for S3D conversion will be none other than CLASH OF THE TITANS and HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS part 1 AND 2.
The official release date for TITANS is now April 2.
I am particularly happy to hear that HP will fully go S3D after only having portions of previous movies converted. I think that franchise was made for the format and we are finally seeing that happen. Can a conversion compete with the likes of AVATAR? Well, there are few properties with the awareness of a HARRY POTTER so it will be interesting to compare them to say the least!Further S3D conversions for the studio include GUARDIANS OF GA'HOOLE (September 24, 2010) and CATS & DOGS: THE REVENGE OF KITTY GALORE (July 30, 2010).
Paramount also hit the news (via Variety) and it seems my post about how AVATAR will affect other directors is ringing true! Michael Bay is being cornered by the studio to make TRANSFORMERS 3 in S3D - the only real question that now remains is whether he has the kahunas to shoot in native 3D or rely on a third party to convert it in post production. I knew this was coming and that's why I was so shocked to hear what he told me at ShoWest last year: He thinks 3D is a gimmick and a fad. BUT he was curious as to how AVATAR will turn out. It turned out well Mr. Bay! :-)
So will we see TF3 in S3D? Of course we will. There was never any real doubt in my mind. Just like other projects that are claiming to be 2D right now. It's only a matter of time!
Oh and Nikke, I used Toldya, not Toldja - ok? :-)