Technicolor Offers 35mm Film-Based "3D For Everyone!"
Michael here. A new 3D challenger has appeared. Technicolor had a big presence at Showest this year, promoting their 3D solution that utilizes 35mm projectors. I missed their "3D for Every Exhibitor!" demonstration event, so unfortunately I did not get to see their system in action.
However, the very fact that they are putting themselves out there as a viable film-based alternative to digital 3D is certainly an indicator of the health of the 3D movement.
Read below and check out the graphic for more from Technicolor on their system:
The Need
Audiences have made it clear that they want 3D. 3D engagements have consistently outperformed 2D by more than 2-to-1. Studios have already announced 15 major 3D releases for 2010, and more are expected. However, currently only approximately 7,000 screens in North America have been converted to digital, and only roughly 3,000 of those screens are 3D-capable.
The Challenge
As overall market conditions continue to delay a broader digital cinema deployment, exhibitors face a near-term challenge in meeting consumer demand for 3D. And for exhibitors in smaller markets, it can be difficult under any conditions to justify the current cost of going digital. How, we asked, can we bring high-quality 3D to theatres without the huge barrier of investment and bridge the gap until digital cinema can be more widely rolled out?The Solution
Technicolor has developed a new 3D system that enables exhibitors to leverage the base of 35mm projectors already installed in theatres around the world. Introducing Technicolor 3D.
High Quality
• Utilizes Technicolor’s next-generation 3D lens system and new digital post-production tools which optimize 35mm film for 3D projection
• According to independent research firm OTX, audiences rank Technicolor 3D quality comparable to digital 3D
• A fraction of the cost of digital 3D while maintaining the ability to charge a ticket premium
• Low risk, pay-as-you-go pricing
• Opportunity to bring the 3D experience to theatres where digital conversion may not be cost effective in the near/medium term
Available Now for Everyone and Needed by Market
• Fifteen 3D releases already announced for 2010
• Works with traditional 35mm film projectors and a silver screen
• Technicolor 3D systems ready for immediate rollout
Visit for much more on the system, including pricing, system requirements, etc.
Anything that lessens the current bottleneck of screens is fine by me as long as the quality is there. According to a Technicolor rep I spoke to at Showest, their first 3D screens went up in January.
I wonder how this solution compares to film-based 3D projection of the past?
If any of you have seen the Technicolor 3D system in action, please let us know your thoughts!