Jackson's PRODUCTION VIDEO 4 Focuses On 3D!
Oh yes!! I must say that after all the grief I got for telling everyone that THE HOBBIT(s) would be in 3D, this fourth video blog from Peter Jackson is tasting pretty darn sweet!
Jackson himself says:
"Shooting THE HOBBIT in 3D is a dream come true. ...if I have had the ability to shoot THE LORD OF THE RINGS in 3D I certainly would have done it."
Now read that sentence AGAIN. :-)
My mouth was absentmindedly open as I was watching Jackson and his crew explain how they were using the RED Epics at 48 frames per second S3D and the stereo rigs from 3ality Technica.And the story! You can see bits and pieces of the beloved classic story coming to life in this fourth behind the scenes clip. I was rushed back to childhood (not unlike the food critic in Ratatouille!) when the dwarves fell through the door after Bilbo jerked it open! LOVE it.
It brings a tear to my eye to see Peter Jackson doing THE HOBBIT so perfectly well! Undeniably so. I mean even the concept art was done in 3D. I am just about as anxious for these movies as I was for AVATAR, and that is saying a lot.
What parts of this clip caught your eye? Was it the subtle humor that almost everyone on the set seems to have? :-)