Quick Post: Some "Avatar" Bite Size Pieces
Jim here. Darkoo - an avid AVATAR fan and MarketSaw enthusiast (thanks!) dropped some more background for us to digest. Nothing of extreme importance, but nice to hear some stories associated with the project:1. AVATAR Score: James Horner - Forces Of Geek have a nice post by Tommy Pearson about Hollywood film composers and naturally James Horner is talked about. Here is an excerpt pertaining to AVATAR...
"He's worked with Cameron before, of course, most notably on Aliens and Titanic, which won Horner two Oscars. They were fairly traditional orchestral scores but Avatar will have a different approach, employing all sorts of exotic electronic sounds and soundscapes mixed with orchestra - sounds that would be impossible to replicate on a piano. So Horner finds himself working with mock-ups to enable Cameron to hear properly what the score will sound like. When I talked to him about it, there was an air of excitement about doing something new, but also a whiff of apprehension. We'll hear the results at the end of 2009."2. Sidebar has an audio interview with Neville Page who of course worked on AVATAR. Neville was very coy with the interviewers, if fact to the point where he was putting together sentences after reading them in his mind first! Kind of disjointed, but who can blame him? I certainly can't. Anyway, an interesting listen - especially in the last 1/4 of it where they talk about AVATAR. Love the part where Cameron shows him the ORIGINAL concept drawings of ALIENS and THE ABYSS. Here is the MP3.