Robert Rogriguez On Native 3D For SIN CITY: A DAME TO KILL FOR
Rodriguez addressed the native 3D shoot with MTV:
"We shot this in 3D. We didn’t shoot Sin City in 3D. I wouldn’t want to convert that one probably. The difference in shooting it is just… you can’t even compare. Because this is a very two dimensional world it’s very stylised. To see that kind of stylisation in 3D will blow people’s mind."
Here's a brief storyline from Amazon:
Stuck with nothing but a seedy gumshoe job and some demons, Dwight's thinking of all the ways he's screwed up and what he'd give for one clear chance to wipe the slate clean, to dig his way out of the numb gray hell that is his life. And he'd give anything. Just to feel the fire. One more time. But he can't let himself lose control again, can't ever let the monster out. And then Ava calls.
Can't wait to see this franchise in 3D for the first time - it's practically begging for the third dimension! SIN CITY: A DAME TO KILL FOR opens on October 4.