Quick Post: First Stereo 3D Mirror Rig In The UK On Stream
Hey guys - Jim here. Just got word from a friend of mine, Phil Streather of Principal Large Format that he and Ralston Humble owner, of Pablo Post in Pinewood Studios have acquired and set up the first stereo 3D mirror rig in the UK. It is a P+S Technik stereo 3D mirror rig, built from a design by French DOP and stereographer Alain Derobe
“Currently there are no other stereo 3D mirror rigs in the UK – ours is the first,” says Streather. “We have equipped it with a pair of Sony EX3s, which can produce full HD (suitable for 3D HDTV broadcast and 3D Digital Cinema) from the 10 bit HD SDI out, into a high end recorder – very exciting for such small and cost effective cameras. Primarily, we will produce product launches, high end corporates, 3D features and have already started building a stereo 3D archive.”PLF/Pablo Post offers its training, consulting and 3D production/post production services out of Pinewood Studios, England.
PLF/Pablo Post training programmes are versions of the IBC Masterclass elements. Says Humble, “We are based at Pablo Post so we can plug the stereo 3D mirror rig directly into the Pablo and Christie CP 2000 and watch the images live on a 4.5 meter screen. We are able to shoot and get immediate feedback.” Streather adds, “We run our training and consultancy activities at a relatively high level, and aim at attracting top directors of photography, line producers, unit production managers – anyone who needs to know what this “dark art” of 3D is really about.”
You can contact Phil or Ralston at these coordinates:
Phil Streather +44 7771 783603 or Ralston Humble +44 7793 983305