SEE: New UNDERWORLD 4 Poster... And Why I Am Excited About This Film!!
At last we see some tease for the upcoming UNDERWORLD: AWAKENING that will be biting into theaters January 20, 2012. I believe this is from Comic-Con and I grabbed it from Kellvin Chavez's Facebook stream.
I am extremely excited about this film. As you may have heard, Sony / Screen Gems invited me out to Vancouver for a few days to visit the set and it was a blast! Loved every moment of it. I can't talk about anything yet, but I will have indepth interviews with many of the team in the coming months once I get the oks. They gave me unprecedented access to previz and of course the set and I walked away with my jaw on the floor.
My jaw was dragging for a number of reasons - I can say it was a pleasure to see the RED Epics at work in stereoscopic 3D config! There are other technical details I can't divulge yet, but it amazed me. Sincerely. Can't wait for the results!
Måns Mårlind, Björn Stein are co-directing and those two were remarkable to watch in action. It marks the first time I have watched those important duties being shared and they obviously are a well oiled machine.
Anyway, the poster looks great! Kate Beckinsale clearly carries the movie, but her supporting cast is VERY strong. More when I am cleared to tell you!!