
Wednesday, April 07, 2010

TRON Is Prepping It's LEGACY!

Jim here. Disney is prepping for TRON: LEGACY sequels as of right now. Edward Kitsis and Adam Horowitz have started penning the second iteration of the newly invigorated sci-fi franchise. Do I hear trilogy in the works?

So far nothing has been heard from director Joseph Kosinski on a return to TRON sequels but I would wager that his return would be a safe assumption.

Obviously Disney is happy with what they are seeing so far with TRON: LEGACY
and that fits perfectly into what I am hearing from my sources. The 3D is supposed to surpass even AVATAR. If the story is a good one (and it must be as they are already working on expanding the franchise), then it should be another home run for the mouse house.

TRON:LEGACY is at the top of my most anticipated movies of 2010. I see no reason yet to change that! Bring it on. Opening wide on December 17.

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Jim Dorey
jim (at) marketsaw (dot) com

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